Saturday, April 14, 2012

Create Your Life!

If I could leave my students past and present with one idea to contemplate for their lives it would be to "create your own life!" 

There are so many opportunities out there for young people today; perhaps too many.  Instead of being overwhelmed by choice and in a rush for instant gratification take some time to chart a thoughtful life course for yourself!  What are your goals and dreams?  Where do you aspire to be? 

If you have taken the college pathway, how can you connect your classes, internships, and job experiences to land the job of your dreams upon graduation?  Most college students spend more time and brain power selecting a college than they do on the development of a career path.  Make sure that you pick professors who will challenge you, find mentors on campus and within the alumni network, as well as through the professional community of your college town.  Focus on developing relationships with folks that will allow you to showcase your talents early on. 

While grades are important, the real goal will always be the mastery of skills and knowledge that can be applied to life beyond the university or college setting.  Do not wait until your senior year to join clubs (yes, I said clubs with an s) and to gain experience as a leader.  Use college as a time of personal development and investing in yourself! 

Instead of waiting for any job offer upon graduation use a systematic approach to work towards a position at a company you will enjoy working for beyond graduation.  Be confident in your talents and embrace your interests and passions.  They are a springboard for finding a career that you enjoy instead of the drudgery of heading to the workplace every day to just go through the motions. 

For a multitude of reasons, many students opt to go directly to the workplace, but this does not mean that your are off the hook when it comes to charting your course!  Arrive at work early and stay late.  The single best way to distinguish yourself is to take pride in your work! Become that person who the organization knows will get things done right. 

Look for new opportunities within the company and be happy when your boss asks you to take on new responsibilities.   This is an opportunity for you to shine and deliver your best. 

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