10 Rules for a Cover Letter That Works!
1.) Use good paper---white or ivory bonded resume paper
2.) The envelope of choice is a 9 x 12--there is something to be said about a resume that comes out
of an envelope in pristine condition. No folds!
3.) Format your letter properly including a standard font no smaller than 11 pt
4.) The salutation is followed by a colon, not a comma! --Dear Mr. John Smith:
5.) Hi never belongs in business correspondence
6.) Use spell check and proofread your letter--read it out loud to yourself
7.) Take the time out to address the letter to someone, To Whom It May Concern is NOT an option
if you don't know who you will be reporting to address the letter to the head of Human
Resources or the CEO
8.) Eliminate as many I's as possible--Key phrases like It was my pleasure to...or My
accomplishments include....or My experiences that speak directly to your needs include...go a
far way!
9.) Dissect the job description--Do your experiences cover the requirements for the job? Give
examples of your accomplishments that speak to the employers needs using the words directly
from the job description. Do not be afraid of using a concise list of bulleted results from your
10.) Sell yourself as the solution!!!--Believe it or not, the cover letter is not really about you. It is
about how you can solve a problem for a company. Keep the letter focused on how you meet
their needs.
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